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Frequently Asked Questions

What can be done about a vehicle that is parked on the street and does not get moved for days at a time?
City code prohibits parking vehicles for longer than 48 hours. Please report the issue to the Police Department at 419-738-2222.

Who do I call to pick up a stray dog?
You can call the Dog Warden at 419-739-6560 or the Police Department at 419-738-2222.

Will the Police Department unlock my car if I lock my keys in it?
Yes, free of charge. Call 419-738-2222

Can a speaker be requested for a local citizen group meeting?
Police Department personnel can speak on a variety of topics ranging from crime prevention, crime statistics, or personal safety. We can also provide a K-9 demonstration. To request a speaker for an event or meeting, call 419-738-2222.

Can I arrange for a tour of the Police Department?
Tours of the department and fleet can be scheduled by calling 419-738-2222. Tours are generally conducted between 8 am and 4 pm and run about half an hour. They are tailored to the ages of the visiting group.

Where can I get information regarding my driving record?
A driving record report is free at Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles

When can I get a copy of a Police Report or Police records Request?
Fill out a Record Request at the Police Department at City Hall Monday through Friday from 8am until 4pm. Up to 10 pages is free. There is a $.05 charge per additional page. Picture CDs are $1.

What is a Protection Order and how can I obtain one?
A Temporary Protection Order (TPO) is filed by the Prosecutor’s Office along with a Domestic Violence charge, is against a family member or household member, and lasts only as long as the case is pending.

A Criminal Protection Order (CRPO) is filed by the Prosecutor’s Office with a charge of Menacing by Stalking, Aggravated Menacing, Menacing, Aggravated Trespass, Assault, Aggravated Assault, Felonious Assault, Sexually Oriented Offense, etc., is filed against a non-family or non-household member, and lasts only as long as the case is pending.

A Civil Protection Order (CPO) is similar to a Temporary Protection Order, is not filed with a Domestic Violence charge, is issued by the Domestic Relations division of the Common Pleas Court, is filed against a family or household member, can last up to five years and can be applied for in cases of a sexually oriented offense incident. CPO packets can be obtained and filed in the Domestic Relations Office located in Room 119 of the Auglaize County Courthouse. In certain cases the Crisis Center will help individuals complete and file the CPO packet. The Crisis Center’s phone number is 419-738-5511

A Civil Stalking or Sexually Oriented Offense Protection Order (SSOOPO) is similar to a Criminal Protection Order, is not filed with charges, must show two or more incidents of menacing within close proximity of time, is issued by the Civil division of the Common Pleas Court, is filed against a non-family or non-household member, can last up to five years, and can be applied for in cases of a sexually oriented offense incident. SSOOPO packets can be obtained and filed in the Common Pleas Clerks Office located in Room 043 of the Auglaize County Courthouse.

Individuals can file for a protection order on their own or contact a private attorney for legal advice. There may be some cost incurred as a result of filing the protection order packet with the court. If the petitioner moves out of the county or state, the protection order is still valid until its expiration date. (The order can be filed with the new county of residence for assured validity.) The Protection Order can be renewed prior to the date it expires.

Contact the Auglaize County Prosecutor’s Office, Victim Assistance Program, 419-739-6795 or Auglaize County Victims Assistance.


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